Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How to solve your Keratosis Pilaris/ Eczema/ Ingrown Hair problem and maybe even acne?

A lot of men in women in the world suffer with skin issues that medically are pushed aside by doctors for being only cosmetic issues. It is an unfortunate situation for someone who has a problem to be disregarded and be told that their issue is unimportant or superficial. I myself am and was one of those people. Well meaning doctors and friends put aside my worry about something that I was genetically predisposed to. But does that mean that I must live with it and that it doesn't matter? No, I don't think so. Because situations that are cosmetically troubling can lead to illness and debilitating  health issues. If a person is unhappy longterm it is considered depression and depression as we all know can lead to various health issues. I'm not going to spend all my time giving the logistics of what causes what because I trust that you will be responsible enough to do your research. And that means not just relying on the internet but actually opening a book. I do not promise to offer a cure. Only a regiment that followed daily can relieve many of their issues. I stress that many of these issues are genetic so being predisposed if you cease, more than likely your problem will return. I stress that everyone consult with their doctors before and during any treatment is started because your health issues may or may not require not using certain things within my regiment.

First off you have to work from the inside and ensure your skin is getting the necessary nutrients: Flaxseed oil - take as directed on the bottle ( Mines requires three times a day). It important to supplement your system with Omega 3's, 6's, and 9's (the average American's diet has plenty of Omega 6. Also you need vitamins A and D but you want it as a natural source- Cod Liver Oil it also supply's you extra Omega 3's you would want to consume the recommended dosage with ghee or butter so your body can absorb it. You should also get a b vitamin complex if you are not taking a multivitamin already. To help your skin cope with the changes biotin is recommended. My bottle says I can take it up to 1-5x a day - I only take it once a day.
It is important to drink plenty of fresh water and in addition to your recommended (you are drinking at LEAST 8 glasses, right?) .

Now that we've covered the internal you want to ensure proper exfoliation and moisturizing. You will want to dry brush before you bath. Not only does it stimulate lympatic drainage. Dry exfoliation removes dead skin that becomes harder to exfoliate when the skin plumps up from wet exfoliation. In the tub I like to bath in milk. You'll be saving water and treating your skin if you get a large bucket, bowl, whatever to fill up with warm water and add powdered milk to. The lactic acid aids your skin in exfoliating and healing old scars so as primitive as it sounds its effective and its cheap. For those who still want to scrub youll want to create two seperate scrubs that you can alternate ever other day. The milder scrub is simply epsom salt and oil (your preference of oil) . The second scrub will consist of sugar, sea salt, epsom salt, baking soda, glycerin and oil.  Glycerin helps draw moisture and affects your cell structure to help skin cells mature properly.  Word of wisdom-- Dont scrub hard it will not give you faster or better results, you will bruise your skin and exccerbate your problem. You can after exfoliating wash with the soap of your choice. I use Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap. After you shower you will want to tone your skin, a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water or rose water

Long Awaiting RANT- The Difference between a boy and a Man and what a woman with sense should do

Ugh!!!!!! I know a lot of women out there that can share this frustration with me when I just scream that damn it I am tired! What am I tired about? Wait for it...... Boys that should be men by now. Every woman has had a situation where they are caught up in a relationship they thought was with Mr.Right and instead the entire time it feels so wrong. Now don't get m wrong not all men are useless and even these aforementioned males aren't necessarily terrible (we wouldn't have decided to be with them right?). The issue is they haven't matured yet and as a result a woman that has it together can slowly but surely find her life crumbling around her because- you got it she's staying with a boy that doesn't realize or want to grow up. Now you may ask why would a woman that seemingly have it together have her life fall apart because of a man. Well I'll tell you. Its a matter of perspective if such a woman believes this guy is MR. RIGHT she will inevitably try to make it work. In the beginning when she finds behavior I'll publish my draft written 3 years ago- I see I had some things to say.


This blog has been calling me back. And boy oh boy- I feel excited about he thoughts of me finding myself at this place. So much time has past. I've grown so much!!! Here is a time travelers guide- the life and beauty. Here I will document my model transformation. Growing to fit my ideal image- growing naturally and healthily- monitoring my spirit/ energy/ nutrition/ and God flow. I will be pairing it with my brand http://Crystalokorie.com I-C-O-N-ic I am Crystal Okorie, Nneka with a C. Model/producer/ More....I told you I am Crystal N. Okorie Yoursistersbeauty.com Bodywhispernyc.com Modelxlove.blogspot.com is my other block My debut is bein featured here first As sugamamaproductions.com Check me out at YouTube @ Crystal Okorie And a reminder to my future self Crystal O the medical student

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ugh. Listening a skill that is learned. Some people inherently have it others like myself have to have duct tape taped over their mouths. Seriously, I always thought that i was a good listener. But being a good listener is more than being quite and hearing. Wait. What? That was my first thought when my boyfriend said that to me. It's not that I don't hear or that I don't care I do. Its just as I'm learning you can have to much to say. Friends have made little comment here or there that or make little faces to each other when it happens. It's like verbal diarrhea wow thats an image. I mean I'm not saying bad things or being outright rude I just keep talking because I thought that having feedback meant you understood. But, I'm learning that being so caught up in your own opinion of the matter can be hurtful to the ones you love and often even when you are actually trying to hear the other person. You're actually not. Crazy right? Sometimes a few words is all you need. I'm looking at my boyfriend as he takes a nap and this guy really means the world to me and I'm trying to understand the art of listening because you don't ever want the people you care about to feel like they cant be heard or at peace with you. So as I write this I hope I can curb some intellectual who is overly talkative to discipline yourself to not stop talking. They don't want that but to actually here what is being said and when responding remember a little goes a long way. Unless your a teacher no even if your  teacher. IDK I'm not a teacher LOL.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Well You Know What?!

Relationships are frustrating things indeed. You spend all of your time and effort to find the right person and as soon as you found them you kind of wish you didn't. I mean I love my boyfriend, but sometimes things dont click up the way one would want them on both parts. At times like those I really find myself wanting to bang my head up against a wall as to why I wanted to leave the wonderful life of singledom- and no i dont mean that in terms of other gentlemen on the market to pursue but rather just being by myself and doing my own thing. Seems like when your single a relationship looks great, but then when you finally get into a relationship that whole period you were single looking for someone and not finding them no matter what looked like a freaking theme park. Again, I love my boyfriend so I try to rationalize why things are great and I've come to the same answer Cosmo has been yapping about for over 30 years men and women think differently- wait! There's more! Men and women think of relationships differently. Women pretty much want a male companion very similar to her girlfriends but with the willingness to support them and protect them when needed. Men on the other hand want... Thats the issue!!! We don't know what they want and you know why? Because they keep everything to themselves. You think they want the tomboy type ad wow you find out how wrong you are when you catch them checking out another girl more did up than you, then your like they want the vixen but no matter what you do that doesnt seem to be doing it. It's really a wonder men and women couple in the first place because when wants and needs are coupled together the two are like oil and water. I'm frustrated, as I glare at his head as he goes about doing what he thinks is right and I likewise  do the same even though we're both wrong, I'll remember its some cruel joke played on the sexes. Hell that or readopt the whole independent woman thing, except in a relationship. Hey maybe thats it! Maybe men are attracted to women because women are independent enough to want to take care of themselves and not someone else. I mean we as women as soon as we think we have to care for another person we become incredibly obsessive. Its true I havent been as focused on my goals and aspirations since I started focusing on the relationship..... Men are stupid. We care darn it..... Women we have a tendency to be incredibly misguided don't we. The smarter sex yet we make the most obvious mistakes right? Refocusing on myself. Theme park is back open.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Starting from the now

So, I've recently graduated from college about two months ago. And while I know what I want in life and the steps I must take to pursue them I've found myself wasting away instead. So instead of making excuses I'm going to focus on now. Hell I made a lot of mistakes these last two months and didnt do half of the things that I wanted to. But if I keep trying to point my finger a one particular thing thats stoping me, the four other fingers are going to point and show me the truth. So.. Here I go